Choosing the right security measures is a concern that building designers must contend with when producing a new structure. With a variety of security options to decide between, it’s crucial to select security that will suit the building. For those designing sustainable architecture, deciding upon a security option grows more complex. Designers must be able to apply security solutions that can meet environmental objectives. To do this, an integrated design approach must be taken to ensure security will accommodate sustainability targets. Bullet-resistant materials can work well within sustainable architecture, delivering the protection it needs. Below you’ll find some recommendations of bullet-resistant materials that can be utilized in sustainable architecture. With our suggestions, you’ll be able to produce bullet-resistant sustainable architecture that protects people without compromising on its eco-friendly attributes.

Examples of Bullet-Resistant Materials

Bullet-Resistant Glass

Bullet-resistant glass is a good option for sustainable buildings thanks to its durability. This bullet-resistant material is made up of varying layers, some of which are hard and others which are soft. The harder layers, usually formed from tempered glass, help the bullet to slow down. Meanwhile, the softer layers, fashioned from a plastic like polycarbonate or polyvinyl butyral, are more flexible. Therefore, it can take in the bullet’s energy and stop it from exiting. This type of bullet-resistant material can be found in doors, windows, curtain walls, and facades.

Ballistic Steel

Constructed with carbon and carbon compounds, alongside other alloying elements such as nickel, molybdenum, and chromium, ballistic steel is extremely hard and has good tensile strength and impact resistance. Like bullet-resistant glass, ballistic steel is durable. However it’s also recyclable, a property that could make it well suited for use in sustainable architecture.

Fiberglass Panels

A panel of fiberglass contains very fine glass threads bound together with a binding agent, like epoxy resin. It can be used to protect against bullets and is not prone to spalling, thanks to its non-brittle nature. Moreover, fiberglass panels can withstand corrosion and rust, meaning it can be used in structures that must last for a long time.

Enhancing Sustainable Architecture With Bullet-Resistant Materials

Bullet-resistant materials can offer the defensive capabilities that sustainable architecture requires. They provide a means of protection to counter firearm projectiles, riots, vandalism, and environmental damage. Sustainable architecture can benefit from the attributes of bullet-resistant materials, ensuring constructions and inhabitants are kept safe from harm. Here are some additional ways that bullet-resistant materials can improve sustainable architecture.

1. Longevity

One major advantage of using bullet-resistant materials within sustainable architecture is their longevity and durability. A material that’s durable tends to have an increased lifespan. Therefore, it’s less likely that it will need to be replaced. Instead, it can retain its defensive abilities for a long time. For instance, a bullet-resistant material like fiberglass is not affected by rot and rust. This durability means it’s perfect for long-term use. The longevity and durability of these materials makes them a great addition to sustainable architecture, as the fewer replacements can lower resource consumption.

2. Safety

The installation of security measures, like bullet-resistant materials, often inspire peace-of-mind and a feeling of safety. Numerous public buildings, such as government facilities and schools, try to incorporate sustainability. However, these types of buildings are also at risk of a security incident occurring, such as one involving a firearm. Using bullet-resistant materials in sustainable architecture can ensure occupants know there are defensive measures in place to keep them secure.

3. Retaining Design Principles

Bullet-resistant materials and sustainable architecture do not sound like they will go together. One focuses upon delivering safety, whilst the other considers how it can be environmentally friendly. But bullet-resistant materials do not have to cause issues with these green design principles. Instead, they can be utilized to support sustainability objectives. Bullet-resistant glass usually contains polycarbonate. This results in it having the capability to retain heat and, thus, enhance energy efficiency. Though bullet-resistant materials have security as their main priority, they can still deliver protection when implemented within an environmentally-conscious design.

4. Aesthetics

Bullet-resistant materials can be fashioned to suit the aesthetics of an environment. So, if it’s applied within sustainable architecture, it will not diminish the construction’s appearance. For instance, these buildings utilize large windows to let in a lot of light, and therefore not depend on artificial lighting as much. Bullet-resistant glass can be utilized in these windows, being able to simultaneously adhere to the aesthetic and deliver security.

Defend Sustainable Architecture With Bullet-Resistant Materials

Sustainable architecture is the way of the future, ensuring the architectural designs for constructions do as little damage as possible to the environment, while also considering the wellbeing of the building’s residents. These constructions must be protected from incidents that could cause damage to both them and their inhabitants. Bullet-resistant materials can offer this security, but the choice as to which material should be used will depend upon the demands of the building. With that in mind, we would recommend browsing the bulletproof products at Armortex to see which could fit with your architecture. We have fiberglass panelswindows with bulletproof glass, and many other items that offer protection against projectiles. Speak with our specialists to discover more about what’s available.