When a crime involving a gun occurs in a public space, it can be a shock to everyone in the vicinity. Not only can it cause visitors to experience fear and panic, but it can also negatively affect their opinion of the area or business. It has been calculated that in 2024, up to July, there have been 261 mass shootings in the USA¹. To keep yourself, and others, safe, you must install security in your place of business. A variety of security measures can be utilized to offer protection, including alarms, CCTV, and panic buttons. However, there is also bulletproof glass. Better termed as bullet resistant glass, because it cannot prevent all bullets from breaking through, it delivers a physical defense against projectiles. The number of shots bullet resistant glass can take depends on its strength. This is determined by its UL level. Join us as we look at the amount of protection bullet resistant glass can offer, in particular the number of shots each level of glass can endure.

An Overview of Bulletproof Glass

Bulletproof glass is made up of different layers that can serve as a defense to stop projectiles from reaching potential victims. The purpose of these layers is to slow down the movement of the projectile, distributing its energy through the layers until the projectile is finally stopped. Each layer is made up of a material that helps to prevent the bullet from getting through to the other side of the glass. Some of the materials used, like glass, are harder, while others, like acrylic or polycarbonate, are softer. As the bullet resistant glass is hit by the projectile, its harder outer layer, made up of glass, cracks. The outer layer also ensures that the bullet is compressed and becomes flat. While this occurs, the plastic layers are able to flex, taking in the energy of the projectile. Together, these materials can prevent the bullet or projectile from passing through it.

What Determines The Protective Capabilities of Bulletproof Glass?

The amount of security bulletproof glass can deliver is determined by its UL level. These levels are categorized under UL 752 and range from levels 1-10. Using level 1 is the lowest level of defense, while level 10 is the highest. Every level of bullet proof glass can shield against a certain number of bullets. Overall, the capabilities of bulletproof glass, and the amount of projectiles it can stop, depends on its:

  • Composition: The type of material selected for use in bulletproof glass can have an effect on its abilities. For instance, glass-clad polycarbonate is more effective than acrylic panels for halting projectiles.
  • Thickness: Bulletproof glass with increased thickness can offer a stronger defense than thinner glass.

The quantity of shots bulletproof glass can handle could be affected by the:

  • Weapon used in the attack
  • Distance of the shots, as those that are nearer may have more of an effect
  • Interval periods during the shots, with projectiles fired at a quicker pace having more of an impact on the glass.

It is important to consider these factors when selecting bulletproof glass. Each can change how well the bulletproof glass can resist a certain number of projectiles.

Bulletproof Glass and The Number of Shots It Can Take

If you need to make a choice on the level of bulletproof glass that will be installed in your business or building, make sure to consider the amount of shots it can protect against. These numbers can influence whether a certain level of bulletproof glass would suit your application. Those that require a higher defense may need stronger bulletproof glass that can shield against additional projectiles or shots.

Here are the levels of bulletproof glass and the weapons and amount of shots they can shield against:

  • Level 1: A 9mm handgun firing, at minimum, 3 shots
  • Level 2: A .357 magnum handgun firing, at minimum, 3 shots
  • Level 3: A .44 magnum handgun firing, at minimum, 3 shots
  • Level 4: A .30 caliber rifle firing 1 shot
  • Level 5: A 7.62 mm rifle firing 1 shot
  • Level 6: A 9mm submachine gun firing, at minimum, 5 shots
  • Level 7: A 5.56mm rifle firing, at minimum, 5 shots
  • Level 8: A 7.62mm rifle firing, at minimum, 5 shots
  • Level 9: A .30.06 caliber rifle firing 1 shot
  • Level 10: A .50 caliber rifle firing 1 shot.

Protect Your Livelihood Through Applying Bulletproof Glass

Your building must have safety procedures in place to offer a defense in the event of an incident involving a gun. Incorporating bulletproof glass can protect those who either work in or visit your venue. Prioritize their safety by ensuring the level of glass you choose can remain robust against a number of shots or other types of attacks. Here at Armortex, our specialism lies in constructing bullet resistant products that can shield against projectiles. Have a look at the bullet resistant windows that are available on our website. They contain bulletproof glass and could be the answer to how you can increase your security. Speak with our experts to discover more information about our bullet resistant products.


  1. Hickey M, U.S. has had 261 mass shootings so far in 2024, 72 in June, data shows. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/us-mass-shooting-data-gun-violence-archive/. Published 4th July 2024. Accessed 31st July 2024.