Access control is the first order of business when it comes to commercial security. You want to mitigate the risk of unauthorised personnel entering your offices and potentially posing a threat to your personnel. Perimeter security products and control systems for access points come in a range of configurations, but Armortex® security windows and doors provide absolute peace of mind when your primary goal is commercial office security.
Electronic access control will not withstand a sustained attack from an armed intruder. Likewise, diligent security guards can only do so much to prevent assailants from entering your premises without risking their own lives and those of innocent bystanders. Armortex® commercial security solutions cut out these concerns by presenting an unobtrusive, ballistic-grade barrier to entry at critical access points in your offices.
At Armortex® we work closely with architectural project managers to ensure that all our security doors and windows fit seamlessly into the aesthetic of your office, significantly enhancing your security credentials without an overbearing design. We offer physical security products covering the full range of ballistics and blast resistance (UL 1—10), but Level 1 through 3 usually suits commercial security applications.
Tailormade Commercial Security
Protect your premises and your people from targeted commercial crime and the threat of domestic unrest using Armortex® commercial security solutions. Contact a member of the team today for any more information about our commercial security windows and doors.