A big question that we often get from customers is what industries should utilize bullet-resistant glass? VP and GM, Rick Snelling, often asks his customers these questions to see if they fall into the category of needed bullet-resistant glass.

Do you value your assets? Do you keep cash on site? Do you sell anything? Are you open during hours when most people are asleep? Are life-changing decisions made there?

Then bullet- and blast-resistant building materials are for you! Available in all UL ratings, Armortex offers a full-line of windows, doors, frames, speakers, deal trays and even gun ports. Whether your design calls for warm and welcoming or sleek and modern, Armortex has you covered.

Safe doesn’t have to mean institutional, or even obvious. Our wood doors are aesthetically pleasing, perfect for an office space or school. There is no need to frighten those you are trying to protect! Bullet-resistant glass provides crystal-clear protection for many years while looking like standard glass.

Armortex speakers and deal trays facilitate easy communication, ensuring correct transactions and satisfied customers. Charlie Brown’s muffled teacher was funny, but not so much when it’s your employees communicating with customers!

Friendly Armortex experts are ready to work with you to specify the correct products for your needs and budget, so give us a call today at 800-880-8306 or contact us at www.armortex.com.